Adrian Klemm


Is Adrian Klemm Dead or Still Alive? Adrian Klemm Birthday and Age

Adrian Klemm

How Old Is Adrian Klemm? Adrian Klemm Birthday

Adrian Klemm was born on May 21, 1977 and is 47 years old now.

Birthday: May 21, 1977
How Old - Age: 47

Adrian Klemm Death Fact Check

Adrian is alive and kicking and is currently 47 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Adrian Klemm - Biography

Adrian William Klemm (born May 21, 1977 in Inglewood, California) is a former National Football League offensive lineman, who played for the New England Patriots and Green Bay Packers. He is the current run game coordinator and offensive line coach at UCLA. Klemm previously served as the offensive line coach for four seasons at Southern Methodist University, and accepted a position on Jim L. Mora's staff at UCLA on December 15, 2011. He is perhaps best known for being drafted by the New England Patriots in the second round of the 2000 NFL Draft, the same draft in which they selected Tom Brady in the sixth round. Klemm spent seven seasons in the NFL, winning three Super Bowls as a member of the Patriots.