Adrienne Alexander


Is Adrienne Alexander Dead or Still Alive? Adrienne Alexander Birthday and Age

Adrienne Alexander

How Old Is Adrienne Alexander? Adrienne Alexander Birthday

Adrienne Alexander was born on January 7, 1954 and is 71 years old now.

Birthday: January 7, 1954
How Old - Age: 71

Adrienne Alexander Death Fact Check

Adrienne is alive and kicking and is currently 71 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Adrienne Alexander - Biography

Adrienne Alexander (born January 7, 1954) is a former American actress, voice actress and a sound editor. She may be remembered as the voice of Brattina from Hanna-Barbera’s Pound Puppies and the original voice of Bright Eyes in the Pound Puppies TV special. Her husband was Tom Ruegger, creator of memorable shows such as Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, and Pinky and the Brain. Her oldest son is writer and director Nathan Ruegger.