Adwoa Aboah


Is Adwoa Aboah Dead or Still Alive? Adwoa Aboah Birthday and Age

Adwoa Aboah

How Old Is Adwoa Aboah? Adwoa Aboah Birthday

Adwoa Aboah was born on May 18, 1992 and is 32 years old now.

Birthday: May 18, 1992
How Old - Age: 32

Adwoa Aboah Death Fact Check

Adwoa is alive and kicking and is currently 32 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Adwoa Aboah's father, Charles Aboah, dead or alive?

Charles Aboah's information is not available now.

Is Adwoa Aboah's mother, Camilla Lowther, dead or alive?

Camilla Lowther's information is not available now.

Adwoa Aboah's sister :

  • Kesewa Aboah

Adwoa Aboah - Biography

Adwoa Caitlin Maria Aboah (born 18 May 1992) is a British fashion model. In December 2017 she appeared on the cover of British Vogue. She has also been on the cover of American Vogue, Vogue Italia, Vogue Poland, and i-D.
'An exotic mix of Ghanaian, English and American, the sisters are the daughters of Camilla Lowther and Charles Aboah, and the fashion world has been waiting patiently for them to make their debut. While Kesewa, at 16, is still studying full time, the elegant Adwoa is older by two years, and has already shot for Italian Vogue with Steven Meisel, British Vogue, Love, i-D and starred in the new Benetton campaign shot by Josh Olins.'

Aboah has suffered from depression and drug addiction and is now sober. She self-medicated with drugs from a young age due to depression. She attempted suicide by overdose in 2015 at a rehab centre in London, which resulted in a four-day coma before recovering in a psychiatric hospital.