AJ Michalka


Is AJ Michalka Dead or Still Alive? AJ Michalka Birthday and Age

AJ Michalka

How Old Is AJ Michalka? AJ Michalka Birthday

AJ Michalka was born on April 10, 1991 and is 33 years old now.

Birthday: April 10, 1991
How Old - Age: 33

AJ Michalka Death Fact Check

Amanda is alive and kicking and is currently 33 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is AJ Michalka's father, Mark Michalka, dead or alive?

Mark Michalka's information is not available now.

Is AJ Michalka's mother, Carrie Michalka, dead or alive?

Carrie Michalka's information is not available now.

AJ Michalka's sister :

  • Alyson Michalka

AJ Michalka's pets, dead or alive?

  • Saint (Dog) [1996-2007]
  • Willow (Dog) [2007]
  • Moneypenny (Dog) [2009]
  • Roadie (Dog) [2007]
  • Bandit (Dog) [1996]

AJ Michalka - Biography

Amanda Joy "AJ" Michalka, often credited as AJ, is an American actress, singer-songwriter, and musician. She was a model prior to becoming an actress, and is best known as one-half of the duo 78violet with her sister Aly Michalka. AJ recorded the theme song and accompanying music video for the film Secretariat, entitled "It's Who You Are". She also issued a single and video called "All I've Ever Needed" from her 2013 film Grace Unplugged. She has also had a successful acting career, and after two seasons in a recurring role as Lainey Lewis on the ABC sitcom The Goldbergs, she has been promoted to a regular role on the series for the third season onward.