Al Connelly


Is Al Connelly Dead or Still Alive? Al Connelly Birthday and Age

Al Connelly

How Old Is Al Connelly? Al Connelly Birthday

Al Connelly was born on October 2, 1960 and is 64 years old now.

Birthday: October 2, 1960
How Old - Age: 64

Al Connelly Death Fact Check

Al is alive and kicking and is currently 64 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Al Connelly's father, Edward Connelly, dead or alive?

Edward Connelly's information is not available now.

Is Al Connelly's mother, Dorothy Connelly, dead or alive?

Dorothy Connelly's information is not available now.

Al Connelly - Biography

Alan John "Al" Connelly is the founding guitarist with the Canadian rock band, Glass Tiger. He and his band were honoured with five Canadian Music Industry Juno Awards, multiple Canadian SOCAN Classic Awards and were nominated for a Best New Artist Grammy Award. Al has released solo recordings as well.