Amy Poehler


Is Amy Poehler Dead or Still Alive? Amy Poehler Birthday and Age

Amy Poehler

How Old Is Amy Poehler? Amy Poehler Birthday

Amy Poehler was born on September 16, 1971 and is 53 years old now.

Birthday: September 16, 1971
How Old - Age: 53

Amy Poehler Death Fact Check

Amy is alive and kicking and is currently 53 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Amy Poehler's father, William Grinstead Poehler, dead or alive?

William Grinstead Poehler's information is not available now.

Is Amy Poehler's mother, Eileen Frances Milmore, dead or alive?

Eileen Frances Milmore's information is not available now.

Amy Poehler - Biography

Amy Meredith Poehler is an American actress, comedian, director, producer, and writer. After studying improv at Chicago's Second City and ImprovOlympic in the early 1990s, she went to New York City in 1996 to become part of the improvisational comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade. The group's act became a half-hour sketch comedy series on Comedy Central in 1998. Along with other members of the comedy group, Poehler was a founder of the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre.