How Old Is Anais Lameche? Anais Lameche Birthday
Anais Lameche was born on August 19, 1987 and is 37 years old now.
Birthday: August 19, 1987
How Old - Age: 37
Anais Lameche Death Fact Check
Anais is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Anais Lameche's father, Cleme, dead or alive?
Cleme's information is not available now.
Is Anais Lameche's mother, Camella, dead or alive?
Camella's information is not available now.
Anais Lameche's sisters :
Anais has 8 sisters:Anais Lameche's brother :
Anais Lameche's brother, David, is still alive and kicking.
Anais Lameche's pets, dead or alive?
- Chihuahua (Dog - Maddox) [2007]
- Maddox
Anais Lameche - Biography
Anais Helena Lameche Bonnier is a former Swedish pop singer and original member of the Swedish pop group Play. She is the only member of Play out of its seven different members to appear in all four different line-ups of the group. Before the band's split, she was also the last remaining original member of the group since Faye's second departure in January 2011. She quit the music industry in 2011.