Andrew V. McLaglen Death
Andrew passed away on August 30, 2014 at the age of 94 in Friday Harbor, Washington, USA.
Andrew V. McLaglen death quick facts:
When did Andrew V. McLaglen die?
August 30, 2014How old was Andrew V. McLaglen when died?
94Where did Andrew V. McLaglen die? What was the location of death?
Friday Harbor, Washington, USA
Andrew V. McLaglen Birthday and Date of Death
Andrew V. McLaglen was born on July 28, 1920 and died on August 30, 2014. Andrew was 94 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 28, 1920
Date of Death: August 30, 2014
Age at Death: 94
Is Andrew V. McLaglen's father, Victor McLaglen, dead or alive?
Victor McLaglen's information is not available now.
Is Andrew V. McLaglen's mother, Enid Lamont, dead or alive?
Enid Lamont's information is not available now.
Andrew V. McLaglen - Biography
Andrew Victor McLaglen was a film and television director, known for westerns and adventure films, often starring John Wayne or James Stewart. He was born in London, but lived and worked in the United States for most of his life.