Ann Sothern Death
Ann passed away on March 15, 2001 at the age of 92 in Ketchum, Idaho, USA. Ann's cause of death was heart failure.
When did Ann Sothern die?
March 15, 2001How did Ann Sothern die? What was the cause of death?
Heart failureHow old was Ann Sothern when died?
92Where did Ann Sothern die? What was the location of death?
Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Ann Sothern Birthday and Date of Death
Ann Sothern was born on January 22, 1909 and died on March 15, 2001. Ann was 92 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 22, 1909
Date of Death: March 15, 2001
Age at Death: 92
Ann Sothern's sisters :
Ann has 2 sisters:- Marion Lake
- Bonnie Lake
Ann Sothern - Biography
Ann Sothern (January 22, 1909 – March 15, 2001) was an American stage, radio, film, and television actress whose career spanned six decades. Sothern began her career in the late 1920s in bit parts in films. In 1930, she made her Broadway stage debut and soon worked her way up to starring roles. In 1939, MGM cast her as Maisie Ravier, a brash yet lovable Brooklyn showgirl. The character, based on the Maisie short stories by Nell Martin, proved to be popular and spawned a successful film series (Congo Maisie, Gold Rush Maisie, Up Goes Maisie, etc.) and a network radio series (The Adventures of Maisie).