Antonio Rufino


Is Antonio Rufino Dead or Still Alive? Antonio Rufino Birthday and Age

Antonio Rufino

How Old Is Antonio Rufino? Antonio Rufino Birthday

Antonio Rufino was born on July 17, 1978 and is 46 years old now.

Birthday: July 17, 1978
How Old - Age: 46

Antonio Rufino Death Fact Check

Antonio is alive and kicking and is currently 46 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Antonio Rufino's father, ALFONSO MONTOYA RODRIGUEZ, dead or alive?

ALFONSO MONTOYA RODRIGUEZ's information is not available now.

Is Antonio Rufino's mother, Alicia Taboada Rodriguez, dead or alive?

Alicia Taboada Rodriguez's information is not available now.

Antonio Rufino's sisters :

Antonio has 2 sisters:
  • Yolanda A Rodriguez

Antonio Rufino's brothers :

Antonio has 2 brothers:
  • Richard H Rodriguez

Antonio Rufino - Biography

Antonio was born and raised in Houston, Texas. After being cast in on several projects in his home state, he decided it was time for that long drive to Hollywood. Alone, he arrived in LA on August 31, 1997, the same day the world heard the breaking news that Princess Diane had died tragically. Adapting to his new surroundings became a great challenge for the bilingual actor. He never gave up and through all of his perseverance, he was deservingly cast in such TV shows such as: "Caroline In The City", "Port Charles" and "General Hospital." In addition, Antonio has appeared on various novellas shot in both Miami and Mexico City. Although LA isn't known for its theatre, Antonio's heart yearned for the stage. So, after being cast as Norvel the comedic police officer in The Beverly Hills Playhouse production of "Class Reunion", Antonio knew he was home. Roles in the blockbuster film "The Price of the American Dream" as Detective Reyes and as Luis Rodriquez in the hit Spanish film "Entre Llamas" A.K.A. "Into The Flames" solidified Antonio's place in Hollywood. The later film, Antonio wore a few different hats as he was not only talent (as well as performing his own stunts) - he was also the casting director. A few years ago, Antonio appeared in the role of a fanatical killer in the independent feature "Thrill of the Kill" and a starring role as Carlos in the short film "Con Amor Para Mi Padre." Over the years, he's been involved with fundraising for AIDS, Leukemia and br**st Cancer Research. His actor training includes Margie Haber, Bobbie Shaw Chance, the John Sarno Studios and the University of Houston (Theatre Arts).