August Agbola O'Browne Death
August passed away in 1976 at the age of 81 in England, United Kingdom.
August Agbola O'Browne death quick facts:
When did August Agbola O'Browne die?
1976How old was August Agbola O'Browne when died?
81Where did August Agbola O'Browne die? What was the location of death?
England, United Kingdom
August Agbola O'Browne Birthday and Date of Death
August Agbola O'Browne was born in 1895 and died in 1976. August was 81 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1895
Date of Death: 1976
Age at Death: 81
August Agbola O'Browne - Biography
August Agbola O'Browne (second name also spelled as Agboola, surname as just Brown) (1895–1976) was a Nigerian jazz musician by profession and is believed to have been the only black participant of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising.