Azaria Chamberlain


Is Azaria Chamberlain Dead or Still Alive? Azaria Chamberlain Birthday and Date of Death

Azaria Chamberlain

Azaria Chamberlain Death

Azaria passed away on August 17, 1980 in Uluru (Ayers Rock), Northern Territory, Australia. Azaria's cause of death was killed by a dingo.

Azaria Chamberlain death quick facts:
  • When did Azaria Chamberlain die?

    August 17, 1980
  • How did Azaria Chamberlain die? What was the cause of death?

    Killed by a dingo
  • Where did Azaria Chamberlain die? What was the location of death?

    Uluru (Ayers Rock), Northern Territory, Australia

Azaria Chamberlain Birthday and Date of Death

Azaria Chamberlain was born on June 11, 1980 and died on August 17, 1980. Azaria was 0 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 11, 1980
Date of Death: August 17, 1980
Age at Death: 0

Is Azaria Chamberlain's father, Michael Chamberlain, dead or alive?

Michael Chamberlain's information is not available now.

Is Azaria Chamberlain's mother, Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton, dead or alive?

Azaria Chamberlain's mother, Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton, is still alive and kicking at the age of 76.

Azaria Chamberlain's sister :

  • Kahlia Chamberlain

Azaria Chamberlain's brothers :

Azaria has 2 brothers:
  • Aidan Chamberlain
  • Reagan Chamberlain

Azaria Chamberlain - Biography

Azaria Chantel Loren Chamberlain was an Australian baby girl who was killed by a dingo on the night of 17 August 1980, on a family camping trip to Uluru in the Northern Territory. Her body was never found. Her parents, Lindy and Michael Chamberlain, reported that she had been taken from their tent by a dingo, however Lindy was tried for murder and spent more than three years in prison. She was released when a piece of Azaria's clothing was found in a dingo lair. New inquests were opened. In 2012, 32 years after Azaria's death, the Chamberlains' version of events was confirmed by a coroner.