Bahman Ghobadi


Is Bahman Ghobadi Dead or Still Alive? Bahman Ghobadi Birthday and Age

Bahman Ghobadi

How Old Is Bahman Ghobadi? Bahman Ghobadi Birthday

Bahman Ghobadi was born on February 1, 1969 and is 55 years old now.

Birthday: February 1, 1969
How Old - Age: 55

Bahman Ghobadi Death Fact Check

Bahman is alive and kicking and is currently 55 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Bahman Ghobadi - Biography

Bahman Ghobadi (Persian: بهمن قبادی‎‎; Kurdish: به‌همه‌ن قوبادی / Behmen Qubadî) is an Iranian film director of Kurdish ethnicity. He was born on February 1, 1969 in Baneh, Kurdistan province. Ghobadi belongs to the "new wave" of Iranian cinema.