How Old Is Bill Belichick? Bill Belichick Birthday
Bill Belichick was born on April 16, 1952 and is 72 years old now.
Birthday: April 16, 1952
How Old - Age: 72
Bill Belichick Death Fact Check
Bill is alive and kicking and is currently 72 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Bill Belichick's father, Steve Belichick, dead or alive?
Steve Belichick's information is not available now.
Bill Belichick - Biography
William Stephen "Bill" Belichick (/ˈbɛlɨtʃɪk/; born April 16, 1952) is the head coach for the New England Patriots of the National Football League. He also has extensive authority over the Patriots' football operations, effectively making him the team's general manager as well. Belichick was previously the head coach of the Cleveland Browns.