Casey Wilson


Is Casey Wilson Dead or Still Alive? Casey Wilson Birthday and Age

Casey Wilson

How Old Is Casey Wilson? Casey Wilson Birthday

Casey Wilson was born on October 24, 1980 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: October 24, 1980
How Old - Age: 43

Casey Wilson Death Fact Check

Cathryn is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Casey Wilson's father, Paul Wilson, dead or alive?

Casey Wilson's father, Paul Wilson, is still alive and kicking at the age of 51. He is American and has had a career as a former major league baseball player.

Is Casey Wilson's mother, Kathleen Anne Higdon Wilson, dead or alive?

Kathleen Anne Higdon Wilson's information is not available now.

Casey Wilson's brother :

  • Fletcher Wilson

Casey Wilson - Biography

Cathryn Rose "Casey" Wilson is an American actress, comedian, and screenwriter, best known for starring as Penny Hartz in the ABC comedy series Happy Endings and currently stars in Hulu's reality TV parody series The Hotwives. Other notable work includes starring in NBC's short-lived sitcom Marry Me, playing a supporting role as Noelle Hawthorne in the 2014 film adaption of Gone Girl, and her 2013 Sundance film Ass Backwards, which she co-wrote and starred in with her creative partner June Diane Raphael. In 2015, Wilson and Danielle Schneider started the Earwolf podcast Bitch Sesh, where they discuss the latest episodes of The Real Housewives.