Cheech Marin


Is Cheech Marin Dead or Still Alive? Cheech Marin Birthday and Age

Cheech Marin

How Old Is Cheech Marin? Cheech Marin Birthday

Cheech Marin was born on July 13, 1946 and is 78 years old now.

Birthday: July 13, 1946
How Old - Age: 78

Cheech Marin Death Fact Check

Cheech is alive and kicking and is currently 78 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Cheech Marin's father, Oscar, dead or alive?

Cheech Marin's father, Oscar, is still alive and kicking at the age of 33. He is Brazilian and has had a career as a football player.

Is Cheech Marin's mother, Elsa, dead or alive?

Elsa's information is not available now.

Cheech Marin - Biography

Richard Anthony "Cheech" Marin is an American comedian, actor, voice actor and writer who gained recognition as part of the comedy act Cheech & Chong during the 1970s and early 1980s with Tommy Chong, and as Don Johnson's partner, Insp. Joe Dominguez, on Nash Bridges. He has also voiced characters in several Disney productions, including Oliver and Company, The Lion King, It's Tough to be a Bug!, Cars, Cars 2 and Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Marin was born in Los Angeles, California, to Mexican American parents, Oscar Marin, a policeman in the LAPD, and his wife Elsa (Meza), a secretary. Marin was born with a cleft lip, which was repaired. He speaks some Spanish and uses it in his movies, but he is not fluent.

Marin was married in 1975 to Darlene Morley, who co-produced Cheech & Chong's The Corsican Brothers and also played minor roles in earlier Cheech & Chong films under the name Rikki Marin. The couple had one child and divorced in 1984. Marin married artist Patti Heid in 1986; they had two children and have since divorced. Marin married his longtime girlfriend, Russian pianist Natasha Rubin, on August 8, 2009, in a sunset ceremony at their home.