Christina McLarty


Is Christina McLarty Dead or Still Alive? Christina McLarty Birthday and Age

Christina McLarty

How Old Is Christina McLarty? Christina McLarty Birthday

Christina McLarty was born on April 25, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: April 25, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Christina McLarty Death Fact Check

Christina is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Christina McLarty - Biography

Christina McLarty was born as Christina West McLarty. She is an actress, known for Gimme the Mike (2005), Lone Star Rally (2006) and The Young and the Restless (1973).Los Angeles-based CBS entertainment reporter.Entertainment Tonight (1981) correspondent [2011].Although never officially married, in November 2010, Christina entered into a "civil domestic partnership" with Joe Francis, in a ceremony at his ranch in Mexico. However, the couple split up shortly, afterwards.omg! Insider (2013) correspondent [2013].Has been in a relationship with David Arquette since July 2011.(November 5, 2013) Expecting her 1st child, a son, with her boyfriend David Arquette.Had her first child with David on April 28, 2014 his name is Charlie West.