Conor Dwyer


Is Conor Dwyer Dead or Still Alive? Conor Dwyer Birthday and Age

Conor Dwyer

How Old Is Conor Dwyer? Conor Dwyer Birthday

Conor Dwyer was born on January 10, 1989 and is 36 years old now.

Birthday: January 10, 1989
How Old - Age: 36

Conor Dwyer Death Fact Check

Conor is alive and kicking and is currently 36 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Conor Dwyer - Biography

Conor Dwyer was born on January 10, 1989 in Winnetka, Illinois, USA as Conor James Dwyer.Trade Mark (1)Towering heightTrivia (10)Finished 2nd at the 2016 US Olympic Swimming Trials in the 400m freestyle.Won 17 medals: nine gold, six silver, and two bronze from the Summer Olympics, the FINA World Championships, the Pan Pacific Championships, and the Pan American Games all together.Attended the University of Iowa and swam for the Iowa Hawkeyes swimming and diving team in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Big Ten Conference competition during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 seasons.Son of Patrick and Jeanne Dwyer.In the final of the 400-meter freestyle at the 2012 London Olympics, placed 5th with a time of 3:46.39.Brother of Brenden Dwyer, Pati Dwyer, Spencer Dwyer and PJ Dwyer.His mother was an All-American swimmer for the Florida State Seminoles swimming team.Is a swimmer, whose specialty is in the freestyle and medley events.During his years in Loyola, he played baseball, lacrosse and water polo. In water polo, he earned third-team all-state and first-team all-section, all-region and all-league honors.Attended Loyola Academy, a Catholic high school in Wilmette, Illinois. He swam for the Loyola Academy Ramblers high school team for four years.