Danny Koevermans


Is Danny Koevermans Dead or Still Alive? Danny Koevermans Birthday and Age

Danny Koevermans

How Old Is Danny Koevermans? Danny Koevermans Birthday

Danny Koevermans was born on November 1, 1978 and is 46 years old now.

Birthday: November 1, 1978
How Old - Age: 46

Danny Koevermans Death Fact Check

Danny is alive and kicking and is currently 46 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Danny Koevermans - Biography

Danny Koevermans (born 1 November 1978 in Schiedam) is a Dutch former footballer who currently works as a coach for Sparta Rotterdam. He was a physical player who was apt in the air and a lethal poacher in front of the goal. In addition to goal scoring, his "runs always attract the attention of defenders".