Eric Stanze


Is Eric Stanze Dead or Still Alive? Eric Stanze Birthday and Age

Eric Stanze

How Old Is Eric Stanze? Eric Stanze Birthday

Eric Stanze was born on November 17, 1971 and is 53 years old now.

Birthday: November 17, 1971
How Old - Age: 53

Eric Stanze Death Fact Check

Eric is alive and kicking and is currently 53 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Eric Stanze - Biography

Eric Stanze was born on November 17, 1971. He is a producer and editor, known for Ice from the Sun (1999), Ratline (2011) and Savage Harvest (1994).Trivia (3)Director, editor, producer, writer, and 2nd unit director. He has also worked as an actor, voice-over talent, various camera/lighting positions, and even as a special effects artist. Stanze was interning on shoots when he was 16 years old. He entered the industry professionally when he was 18.Owner of production company Wicked Pixel Cinema, which was founded in 1995. Wicked Pixel Cinema's first release was Savage Harvest, and their first production was Ice From The Sun.Dubbed "The King of Underground Cinema" by PollyGrind Film Festival founder Chad Clinton Freeman.