How Old Is Eric Stoltz? Eric Stoltz Birthday
Eric Stoltz was born on September 30, 1961 and is 63 years old now.
Birthday: September 30, 1961
How Old - Age: 63
Eric Stoltz Death Fact Check
Eric is alive and kicking and is currently 63 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Eric Stoltz's father, Jack Stoltz, dead or alive?
Jack Stoltz's information is not available now.
Is Eric Stoltz's mother, Evelyn B., dead or alive?
Evelyn B.'s information is not available now.
Eric Stoltz's sisters :
Eric has 2 sisters:Eric Stoltz's sister, Catherine, is still alive and kicking.
- Susan R.
Eric Stoltz - Biography
Eric Stoltz is an American actor, director and producer. He is known for playing the role of Rocky Dennis in the biographical drama film Mask, which earned him the nomination for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture, and has appeared in a wide variety of films from mainstream fare like Some Kind of Wonderful to independent films like Pulp Fiction, Killing Zoe, and Kicking and Screaming. In 2010, he portrayed Daniel Graystone in the science fiction television series Caprica, and became a regular director on the television series Glee.