Fernando Collor de Mello


Is Fernando Collor de Mello Dead or Still Alive? Fernando Collor de Mello Birthday and Age

Fernando Collor de Mello

How Old Is Fernando Collor de Mello? Fernando Collor de Mello Birthday

Fernando Collor de Mello was born on August 12, 1949 and is 75 years old now.

Birthday: August 12, 1949
How Old - Age: 75

Fernando Collor de Mello Death Fact Check

Fernando is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Fernando Collor de Mello - Biography

Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello (born August 12, 1949) was the 32nd President of Brazil from 1990 to 1992, when he resigned in a failed attempt to stop his trial of impeachment by the Brazilian Senate. Collor was the first President directly elected by the people after the end of the Brazilian military government. He is also the youngest President in Brazilian history, taking office at the age of 40.