Frankie Muniz


Is Frankie Muniz Dead or Still Alive? Frankie Muniz Birthday and Age

Frankie Muniz

How Old Is Frankie Muniz? Frankie Muniz Birthday

Frankie Muniz was born on December 5, 1985 and is 39 years old now.

Birthday: December 5, 1985
How Old - Age: 39

Frankie Muniz Death Fact Check

Frankie is alive and kicking and is currently 39 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Frankie Muniz's father, Francisco James Muniz III, dead or alive?

Francisco James Muniz III's information is not available now.

Is Frankie Muniz's mother, Denise, dead or alive?

Frankie Muniz's mother, Denise, is still alive and kicking at the age of 54. She is American and has had a career as a best buy parking lot security guard (formerly), private security guard (formerly), kkt house mother (formerly), chief of police (formerly), fbi agent.

Frankie Muniz's sister :

  • Cristina Muniz

Frankie Muniz - Biography

Francisco "Frankie" Muñiz IV is an American actor, musician, writer, producer, and racing driver. He is known primarily as the star of the FOX television family sitcom Malcolm in the Middle, which earned him an Emmy Award nomination and two Golden Globe Award nominations.
In 2003, he was considered "one of Hollywood's most bankable teens." In 2008, he put his acting career on hold to pursue an open wheel racing career. He competed in the Atlantic Championship. From 2012 to 2014, he was a drummer in the band Kingsfoil.

On November 30, 2012, at age 26, Muniz was hospitalized after having a transient ischemic attack, also described as a "mini stroke", and spoke about the experience on Katie. He suffered a second attack a year later, on 25 November 2013.
He was interviewed in 2017 and asked about his health, and said he has had no issues. It was revealed on Dancing with the Stars on October 9, 2017, that he, in fact, has suffered significant memory loss, including losing memories from his childhood acting days.