Gary Crosby


Is Gary Crosby Dead or Still Alive? Gary Crosby Birthday and Date of Death

Gary Crosby

Gary Crosby Death

Gary passed away on August 24, 1995 at the age of 62 in Burbank, California, USA. Gary's cause of death was lung cancer.

Gary Crosby death quick facts:
  • When did Gary Crosby die?

    August 24, 1995
  • How did Gary Crosby die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung cancer
  • How old was Gary Crosby when died?

  • Where did Gary Crosby die? What was the location of death?

    Burbank, California, USA

Gary Crosby Birthday and Date of Death

Gary Crosby was born on June 27, 1933 and died on August 24, 1995. Gary was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 27, 1933
Date of Death: August 24, 1995
Age at Death: 62

Is Gary Crosby's father, Bing Crosby, dead or alive?

Gary Crosby's father, Bing Crosby, died on October 14, 1977 as he was 74 years old. His cause of death was heart attack.

Is Gary Crosby's mother, Dixie Lee, dead or alive?

Dixie Lee's information is not available now.

Gary Crosby's sister :

  • Gary Crosby's sister, Mary, is still alive and kicking at the age of 7.

Gary Crosby's brothers :

Gary has 5 brothers:
  • Philp
  • Gary Crosby's brother, Dennis, is still alive and kicking. He is Czech and has had a career as an adult movie star.

  • Gary Crosby's brother, Lindsay, died on December 11, 1989 as he was 51 years old. His cause of death was suicide by gunshot.

  • Hary
  • Gary Crosby's brother, Nathaniel, is still alive and kicking at the age of 63.

Gary Crosby - Biography

Gary Evan Crosby was an American singer and actor. He wrote a scathing memoir of his father, Bing Crosby. His mother was singer/actress Dixie Lee, Bing Crosby's first wife.