Helene Fischer


Is Helene Fischer Dead or Still Alive? Helene Fischer Birthday and Age

Helene Fischer

How Old Is Helene Fischer? Helene Fischer Birthday

Helene Fischer was born on August 5, 1984 and is 40 years old now.

Birthday: August 5, 1984
How Old - Age: 40

Helene Fischer Death Fact Check

Helene is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Helene Fischer's father, Peter Fischer, dead or alive?

Peter Fischer's information is not available now.

Is Helene Fischer's mother, Maria Fischer, dead or alive?

Maria Fischer's information is not available now.

Helene Fischer - Biography

Helene Fischer is a Soviet Union-born German singer, entertainer, television presenter and actress. Since her debut in 2005 she has won numerous awards, including sixteen Echo awards, four "Die Krone der Volksmusik" awards and two Bambi awards. According to record certifications she has sold at least 14,500,000 albums. In June 2014, her multi platinum 2013 album Farbenspiel became the legally most downloaded album by a German artist of all time.