Hilarie Burton


Is Hilarie Burton Dead or Still Alive? Hilarie Burton Birthday and Age

Hilarie Burton

How Old Is Hilarie Burton? Hilarie Burton Birthday

Hilarie Burton was born on July 1, 1982 and is 42 years old now.

Birthday: July 1, 1982
How Old - Age: 42

Hilarie Burton Death Fact Check

Hilarie is alive and kicking and is currently 42 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Hilarie Burton's father, Bill, dead or alive?

Bill's information is not available now.

Is Hilarie Burton's mother, Lisa, dead or alive?

Hilarie Burton's mother, Lisa, is still alive and kicking at the age of 56. She is American and has had a career as an assistant director.

Hilarie Burton's brothers :

Hilarie has 3 brothers:
  • Hilarie Burton's brother, Billy, is still alive and kicking at the age of 43.

  • Johnny
  • Conrad

Hilarie Burton's pet, dead or alive?

  • Poe (Cat - Named after writer Edgar Allan Poe)

Hilarie Burton - Biography

Hilarie Ross Burton is an American actress and producer. A former host of MTV's Total Request Live, she portrayed Peyton Sawyer on the WB/CW drama One Tree Hill for six seasons. Burton gained wider recognition with leading roles in the films Our Very Own, Solstice and The List. She starred as Sara Ellis on the USA crime drama White Collar (2010-13); and, in 2013, she had a recurring role as Dr. Lauren Boswell on the ABC medical drama Grey's Anatomy. She is currently seen on the drama series "Forever"(season 1;2015) as Molly Dawes.