Hugh Jackman


Is Hugh Jackman Dead or Still Alive? Hugh Jackman Birthday and Age

Hugh Jackman

How Old Is Hugh Jackman? Hugh Jackman Birthday

Hugh Jackman was born on October 12, 1968 and is 55 years old now.

Birthday: October 12, 1968
How Old - Age: 55

Hugh Jackman Death Fact Check

Hugh is alive and kicking and is currently 55 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Hugh Jackman's father, Chris Jackman, dead or alive?

Chris Jackman's information is not available now.

Is Hugh Jackman's mother, Grace Watson, dead or alive?

Grace Watson's information is not available now.

Hugh Jackman's sisters :

Hugh has 2 sisters:
  • Sonya Jackman
  • Zoe Jackman

Hugh Jackman's brothers :

Hugh has 2 brothers:
  • Ian Jackman
  • Ralph Jackman

Hugh Jackman's pet, dead or alive?

  • Peaches (French bulldog); JJ (bulldog)

Hugh Jackman - Biography

Hugh Michael Jackman (born 12 October 1968) is an Australian actor, singer, and producer. Jackman has won international recognition for his roles in a variety of film genres. He is known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series, as well as for his lead roles in films such as the romantic-comedy fantasy Kate & Leopold (2001), the action-horror film Van Helsing (2004), the magic-themed drama The Prestige (2006), the epic fantasy drama The Fountain (2006), the epic historical romantic drama Australia (2008), the film version of Les Misérables (2012), the thriller Prisoners (2013), and the musical The Greatest Showman (2017). His work in Les Misérables earned him his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and his first Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy in 2013.
Jackman married Deborra-Lee Furness on 11 April 1996, at St. John's in Toorak, Victoria, a suburb of Melbourne. They met on the set of Australian TV show Correlli. Jackman personally designed an engagement ring for Furness, and their wedding rings bore the Sanskrit inscription "Om paramar mainamar", translated as "we dedicate our union to a greater source". Furness had two miscarriages, following which she and Jackman adopted two children, Oscar and Ava.

In November 2013, Jackman announced he had basal-cell carcinoma removed from his nose. He had a second carcinoma removed from his nose in May 2014, telling Associated Press that he expects to have future recurrences. This resulted in Jackman attending the various worldwide premieres of X-Men: Days of Future Past with a bandage on his nose, and urging his followers on Instagram to "wear sunscreen".
In Broadway theatre, Jackman won a Tony Award for his role in The Boy from Oz. A four-time host of the Tony Awards themselves, he won an Emmy Award for one of these appearances. Jackman also hosted the 81st Academy Awards on 22 February 2009.