Isaiah Sliva


Is Isaiah Sliva Dead or Still Alive? Isaiah Sliva Birthday and Age

Isaiah Sliva

How Old Is Isaiah Sliva? Isaiah Sliva Birthday

Isaiah Sliva was born on January 20, 1985 and is 39 years old now.

Birthday: January 20, 1985
How Old - Age: 39

Isaiah Sliva Death Fact Check

Isaiah is alive and kicking and is currently 39 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Isaiah Sliva - Biography

Until Silva was 18, he and his family were followers of the Fullerton Assembly of God, a strict religious group that, according to Silva, had a different outlook on gender roles. Silva's family eventually stopped following the sect's doctrine and the budding musician pursued his interest in punk and took up the guitar with friends. Silva serves as a singer and rhythm guitarist for The Rambles. The pop-rock group, who cite the Beatles as an influence, perform regular gigs at L.A. clubs, including two recent shows at the Viper Room. According to the Rambles' MySpace page, Silva's band has a deal with C.E. Music / Worldwide Pants – the management company owned by Letterman's production company. Before breaking out with the Rambles, Silva and his bandmate Kevin Fry used to play with Perry before she hit it big. According to an article in OC Weekly, Silva and Fry did it "as a favor when she couldn't afford her own band."