How Old Is James Cullen Bressack? James Cullen Bressack Birthday
James Cullen Bressack was born on February 29, 1992 and is 32 years old now.
Birthday: February 29, 1992
How Old - Age: 32
James Cullen Bressack Death Fact Check
James is alive and kicking and is currently 32 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is James Cullen Bressack's father, Gordon Bressack, dead or alive?
James Cullen Bressack's father, Gordon Bressack, died on August 30, 2019 as he was 68 years old. His cause of death was health complications.
Is James Cullen Bressack's mother, Ellen Gerstell, dead or alive?
Ellen Gerstell's information is not available now.
James Cullen Bressack - Biography
James Cullen Bressack is an American film producer, screenwriter and film director. He is the son of Emmy Award-winning writer Gordon Bressack and voice actress Ellen Gerstell.