James Hetfield


Is James Hetfield Dead or Still Alive? James Hetfield Birthday and Age

James Hetfield

How Old Is James Hetfield? James Hetfield Birthday

James Hetfield was born on August 3, 1963 and is 61 years old now.

Birthday: August 3, 1963
How Old - Age: 61

James Hetfield Death Fact Check

James is alive and kicking and is currently 61 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is James Hetfield's father, Virgil Hetfield, dead or alive?

Virgil Hetfield's information is not available now.

Is James Hetfield's mother, Cynthia Hetfield, dead or alive?

Cynthia Hetfield's information is not available now.

James Hetfield's sister :

  • Deanna Hetfield Rockwell

James Hetfield's brothers :

James has 2 brothers:
  • Chris
  • Dave

James Hetfield - Biography

James Alan Hetfield is the co-founder, lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, main songwriter, and lyricist for the American heavy metal band Metallica. Hetfield is mainly known for his intricate rhythm playing, but has also performed occasional lead guitar duties both in the studio and live.
In 2009, Hetfield was ranked at no. 8 in Joel McIver's book The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists, and ranked at no. 24 by Hit Parader on their list of the 100 Greatest Metal Vocalists of All Time. In Guitar World's poll, Hetfield was placed as the 19th greatest guitarist of all time, as well as being placed second (along with Metallica lead guitarist Kirk Hammett) in The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists poll of the same magazine. Rolling Stone placed Hetfield as the 87th greatest guitarist of all time.

On April 4, 2009, Hetfield, along with remaining Metallica members Ulrich, Hammett, Trujillo, as well as former bassist Newsted, and the deceased Cliff Burton (who was represented by his father), were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
In an interview after their nomination, Hetfield commented that everyone who had appeared on an album with the band would be inducted. This excluded original guitarist Dave Mustaine and original bassist Ron McGovney, as both had appeared only on the band's early demo tapes. Hetfield and the rest of Metallica, including Newsted, performed "Master of Puppets" and "Enter Sandman" to end the ceremony.