Jenna Boyd


Is Jenna Boyd Dead or Still Alive? Jenna Boyd Birthday and Age

Jenna Boyd

How Old Is Jenna Boyd? Jenna Boyd Birthday

Jenna Boyd was born on March 4, 1993 and is 31 years old now.

Birthday: March 4, 1993
How Old - Age: 31

Jenna Boyd Death Fact Check

Jenna is alive and kicking and is currently 31 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Jenna Boyd's father, Mike Boyd, dead or alive?

Mike Boyd's information is not available now.

Is Jenna Boyd's mother, Debbie Boyd, dead or alive?

Debbie Boyd's information is not available now.

Jenna Boyd's brother :

  • Jenna Boyd's brother, Cayden Boyd, is still alive and kicking at the age of 30. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

Jenna Boyd - Biography

Jenna Michelle Boyd is an American actress. She is best known for her roles in the feature films The Missing and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Jenna Boyd was born in Bedford, Texas, and moved with her parents and younger brother Cayden (also an actor) to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. After a few small roles on television and film, Boyd's big break came when she was cast in The Missing, alongside Cate Blanchett and Evan Rachel Wood. Boyd's performance was praised in critical reviews of this film, although the film itself was not particularly well received. Previously she had been in Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star playing the daughter of a family hired by the titular character (David Spade) to help him recapture his childhood.

In 2005 Boyd played the Leukemia-suffering Bailey Graffman in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Her recent roles include the Lifetime miniseries The Gathering in which she played the daughter of a doctor (Peter Gallagher) searching for his wife and in the Ghost Whisperer episode "Children of Ghosts" she played a troubled teenager living in a foster home. In 2017, she played Paige Hardaway, the "practice girlfriend" of the autistic main character, Sam Gardner, in the Netflix Original Series Atypical.