Jeremy Sumpter


Is Jeremy Sumpter Dead or Still Alive? Jeremy Sumpter Birthday and Age

Jeremy Sumpter

How Old Is Jeremy Sumpter? Jeremy Sumpter Birthday

Jeremy Sumpter was born on February 5, 1989 and is 35 years old now.

Birthday: February 5, 1989
How Old - Age: 35

Jeremy Sumpter Death Fact Check

Jeremy is alive and kicking and is currently 35 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Jeremy Sumpter's father, Gary Sumpter, dead or alive?

Gary Sumpter's information is not available now.

Is Jeremy Sumpter's mother, Sandy Sumpter, dead or alive?

Sandy Sumpter's information is not available now.

Jeremy Sumpter's sisters :

Jeremy has 2 sisters:
  • Jessica Sumter
  • Jennifer Sumpter

Jeremy Sumpter's brother :

  • Travis Sumpter

Jeremy Sumpter's pet, dead or alive?

  • Chewie (Dog)

Jeremy Sumpter - Biography

Jeremy Robert Myron Sumpter is an American actor. His prominent roles include the title role in the 2003 live action film Peter Pan, Jacob in 2014 disaster film Into the Storm, and the recurring role of J. D. McCoy in the NBC television series Friday Night Lights.
Sumpter's first movie role was in the 2001 film Frailty as the young Adam Mieks seen in flashbacks. Sumpter received a Saturn Award nomination for "Best Performance by a Younger Actor" for his performance. Following that, he appeared with Danny Glover in the Showtime film Just a Dream, for which he received a Young Artist Award for "Best Performance in a TV Movie, Mini-Series or Special - Leading Young Actor". His next film was Local Boys, a family surfing drama, with Mark Harmon and Eric Christian Olsen.

In July 2002, at age 13, Sumpter was selected for the role of Peter Pan. Sumpter did nearly all of his stunts for the film himself. To prepare, he says he practiced sword fighting as much as five hours a day, as well as training in gymnastics and lifting weights. He was working with actress Rachel Hurd-Wood and built a strong relationship with her. While filming in Australia, he supplemented his training with cricket and surfing. Sumpter grew several inches while in the film's production, requiring staging tricks to retain Captain Hook's height advantage over Peter in face-to-face scenes late in the process. Producer Lucy Fisher also said that, "The window he flies out of had to be enlarged twice." Sumpter won both a Saturn and Young Artist Award for the film.
In the fall of 2004 he starred in the TV series Clubhouse as a boy who gets his dream job of working as a batboy for a New York City major league baseball team. The series was canceled by CBS after five episodes; all 11 episodes made have since been broadcast on cable/satellite channels. He then starred in Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life, a Lifetime Channel movie about a popular teenager whose life is ruined by an addiction to internet pornography.
In December 2015, Sumpter announced he was engaged to Lauren Pacheco, but on October 28, 2016, he confirmed he was no longer engaged. He is also close friends with his Peter Pan co-star Rachel Hurd-Wood. They were dating for a while and he admitted that she was his first big love.