Jerry Glanville


Is Jerry Glanville Dead or Still Alive? Jerry Glanville Birthday and Age

Jerry Glanville

How Old Is Jerry Glanville? Jerry Glanville Birthday

Jerry Glanville was born on October 14, 1941 and is 83 years old now.

Birthday: October 14, 1941
How Old - Age: 83

Jerry Glanville Death Fact Check

Jerry is alive and kicking and is currently 83 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jerry Glanville - Biography

Jerry Glanville (born October 14, 1941) is a former American football player and coach, former NASCAR driver and owner, and sportscaster. He served as Head Football Coach of the Houston Oilers from 1986 to 1990 and the Atlanta Falcons from 1990 to 1994, compiling a career NFL record of 63–73. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Head Football Coach at Portland State University, tallying a mark of 9–24. Glanville has worked as an analyst on HBO's Inside the NFL, CBS's The NFL Today/NFL on CBS and Fox's coverage of the NFL. He has also raced on the Automobile Racing Club of America circuit. Glanville also briefly served as a consultant and liaison for the United Football League in 2011.