Jessalyn Gilsig


Is Jessalyn Gilsig Dead or Still Alive? Jessalyn Gilsig Birthday and Age

Jessalyn Gilsig

How Old Is Jessalyn Gilsig? Jessalyn Gilsig Birthday

Jessalyn Gilsig was born on November 30, 1971 and is 53 years old now.

Birthday: November 30, 1971
How Old - Age: 53

Jessalyn Gilsig Death Fact Check

Jessalyn is alive and kicking and is currently 53 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Jessalyn Gilsig's father, Toby Gilsig, dead or alive?

Toby Gilsig's information is not available now.

Is Jessalyn Gilsig's mother, Clare Gilsig, dead or alive?

Clare Gilsig's information is not available now.

Jessalyn Gilsig - Biography

Jessalyn Sarah Gilsig is a Canadian American actress known for her roles in television series, e.g. as Lauren Davis in Boston Public, Gina Russo in Nip/Tuck, Terri Schuester in Glee, and as Siggy Haraldson on the History Channel series Vikings.