Jimmy Johnson


Is Jimmy Johnson Dead or Still Alive? Jimmy Johnson Birthday and Age

Jimmy Johnson

How Old Is Jimmy Johnson? Jimmy Johnson Birthday

Jimmy Johnson was born on July 16, 1943 and is 81 years old now.

Birthday: July 16, 1943
How Old - Age: 81

Jimmy Johnson Death Fact Check

James is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jimmy Johnson - Biography

James William Johnson (born July 16, 1943) is an American football broadcaster and former player, coach, and executive. He served as the head football coach at Oklahoma State University–Stillwater from 1979 to 1983 and the University of Miami from 1984 to 1988. Johnson then moved to the National Football League (NFL), serving as head coach of the Dallas Cowboys from 1989 to 1993, winning two Super Bowls with the team, both against the Buffalo Bills, and the Miami Dolphins from 1996 to 1999. As of 2015, he is an analyst for Fox NFL Sunday, the Fox network's NFL pregame show for the NFL games.
Johnson was the first and one of only three football coaches to lead teams to both a major college football championship and a Super Bowl victory, the others being Barry Switzer and Pete Carroll.

Johnson's coaching tree includes a number of future head coaches such as Butch Davis, Norv Turner, Tommy Tuberville, Dave Campo, and Dave Wannstedt. In 1993, Johnson wrote Turning the Thing Around: My Life in Football, ghostwritten by Ed Hinton. Johnson attended Thomas Jefferson High School, later renamed Memorial High School, where two of his classmates were future rock icon Janis Joplin and actor G. W. Bailey.
Johnson was married to Linda Kay Cooper on July 12, 1963, with whom he has two sons. They divorced in January 1990. On July 18, 1999, Johnson married Rhonda Rookmaaker. As of 2010, he lives in Islamorada in the Florida Keys.