Jo O'Meara


Is Jo O'Meara Dead or Still Alive? Jo O'Meara Birthday and Age

Jo O'Meara

How Old Is Jo O'Meara? Jo O'Meara Birthday

Jo O'Meara was born on April 29, 1979 and is 45 years old now.

Birthday: April 29, 1979
How Old - Age: 45

Jo O'Meara Death Fact Check

Jo is alive and kicking and is currently 45 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Jo O'Meara's father, Dave, dead or alive?

Dave's information is not available now.

Is Jo O'Meara's mother, Barbara, dead or alive?

Jo O'Meara's mother, Barbara, is still alive and kicking at the age of 36. She is Brazilian and has had a career as a football.

Jo O'Meara's sister :

  • Jo O'Meara's sister, Julie, is still alive and kicking. She is Chinese and has had a career as a paleontologist.

Jo O'Meara's brother :

  • Jo O'Meara's brother, Shane, is still alive and kicking at the age of 54. He is American and has had a career as a pornstar, director.

Jo O'Meara's pets, dead or alive?

  • Archie (Dog)
  • Russia (Dog)
  • Pepsi (Dog)

Jo O'Meara - Biography

Jo was born on 29 April 1979 at Romford in England. Jo's first big break was when she was 12 someone pushed her up to sing the Locomotion and everyone said she was good. After that she always went on the karaoke. She then started singing in clubs and worked in a Country and Western Restaurant in Essex. And she even had a top 40 hit with a band in Germany. Then at aged 20 she joined the pop group S Club 7.