Jodelle Ferland


Is Jodelle Ferland Dead or Still Alive? Jodelle Ferland Birthday and Age

Jodelle Ferland

How Old Is Jodelle Ferland? Jodelle Ferland Birthday

Jodelle Ferland was born on October 9, 1994 and is 30 years old now.

Birthday: October 9, 1994
How Old - Age: 30

Jodelle Ferland Death Fact Check

Jodelle is alive and kicking and is currently 30 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Jodelle Ferland's father, Marc Ferland, dead or alive?

Marc Ferland's information is not available now.

Is Jodelle Ferland's mother, Valarie Ferland, dead or alive?

Valarie Ferland's information is not available now.

Jodelle Ferland's sister :

  • Marisha Ferland

Jodelle Ferland's brother :

  • Jeremy Ferland

Jodelle Ferland's pet, dead or alive?

  • Genevieve (Dog)

Jodelle Ferland - Biography

Jodelle Micah Ferland is a Canadian actress, best known for her portrayals of Sharon/Alessa in the 2006 horror film Silent Hill, Mary Jensen in the 2004 miniseries Kingdom Hospital, Bree Tanner in the 2010 film The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Five in the SyFy series Dark Matter.