Jodie Foster


Is Jodie Foster Dead or Still Alive? Jodie Foster Birthday and Age

Jodie Foster

How Old Is Jodie Foster? Jodie Foster Birthday

Jodie Foster was born on November 19, 1962 and is 62 years old now.

Birthday: November 19, 1962
How Old - Age: 62

Jodie Foster Death Fact Check

Alicia (Jodie) is alive and kicking and is currently 62 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Jodie Foster's father, Lucius Fisher Foster III, dead or alive?

Lucius Fisher Foster III's information is not available now.

Is Jodie Foster's mother, Evelyn Ella "Brandy", dead or alive?

Evelyn Ella "Brandy"'s information is not available now.

Jodie Foster's sisters :

Alicia (Jodie) has 2 sisters:
  • Constance "Connie" Foster
  • Lucinda "Cindy" Foster

Jodie Foster's brother :

  • Lucius Fisher "Buddy" Foster

Jodie Foster - Biography

Alicia Christian "Jodie" Foster is an American actress and filmmaker who has worked in films and on television. She has often been cited as one of the best actresses of her generation. Foster began her professional career at the age of three as a child model in 1965, and two years later moved to acting in television series, with the sitcom Mayberry R.F.D. being her debut.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, she worked in several primetime television series and starred in children's films. Foster's breakthrough came in Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver, in which she played a teenage prostitute; the role garnered her a nomination for an Academy Award. Her other critically acclaimed roles as a teenager were in the musical Bugsy Malone and the thriller The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, and she became a popular teen idol by starring in Disney's Freaky Friday, Candleshoe (1977) and Foxes (1980).

In interviews, Foster rarely talks about her private life, and she has explained that she "values privacy against all else" due to having spent most of her life in the public eye. She lives in Los Angeles, and had two sons, Charles "Charlie" Foster (b. 1998) and Christopher "Kit" Foster (b. 2001), while partnered with Cydney Bernard. She met Bernard on the set of Sommersby (1993) and was in a relationship with her from 1993 to 2008.
In April 2014, Foster married actress and photographer Alexandra Hedison. She stated in 2011 that having children has made her take on fewer projects: "It is a big sacrifice to leave home. I want to make sure that I feel passionate about the movies I do because it is a big sacrifice ... Even if you take the average movie shoot of four months – you have three weeks' prep, press duties here and abroad, dubbing and looping, magazine covers, events and premieres – that's eight months out of a year. That's a long time. If you do two movies back-to-back, you're never going to see your children."