John Aniston


Is John Aniston Dead or Still Alive? John Aniston Birthday and Age

John Aniston

How Old Is John Aniston? John Aniston Birthday

John Aniston was born on July 24, 1933 and is 91 years old now.

Birthday: July 24, 1933
How Old - Age: 91

John Aniston Death Fact Check

John is alive and kicking and is currently 91 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is John Aniston's father, Anthony Aniston, dead or alive?

Anthony Aniston's information is not available now.

Is John Aniston's mother, Stella Joanna Aniston, dead or alive?

Stella Joanna Aniston's information is not available now.

John Aniston's sister :

  • Mary Aniston

John Aniston - Biography

John Anthony Aniston is a Greek-American actor. He is best known for his role as Victor Kiriakis on the NBC daytime drama Days of Our Lives, which he originated in July 1985 and has played continually since then. Aniston is the father of actress Jennifer Aniston.
He has appeared in soap operas regularly since 1969, when he first joined Days of Our Lives as a character named Eric Richards, which he played until 1970. In 1975, he joined the cast of Love of Life as Eddie Aleata. In November 1978, he left Love of Life and began playing Mary Stuart's new love interest, Martin Tourneur, on Search for Tomorrow in February 1979. He played that role until April 1984. He returned to the cast of Days of Our Lives a second time, this time as Victor Kiriakis, in July 1985, and continues to play the role. He has been nominated for the 2017 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his performance.

Aniston has a daughter, actress Jennifer Aniston (born February 11, 1969), with his first wife, Nancy Dow, and also has a son, Alexander, with his second wife, Sherry Rooney Aniston (whom he met while co-starring on Love of Life). His daughter Jennifer's godfather was actor Telly Savalas, one of his best friends.