Jonathan Taylor Thomas


Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas Dead or Still Alive? Jonathan Taylor Thomas Birthday and Age

Jonathan Taylor Thomas

How Old Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas? Jonathan Taylor Thomas Birthday

Jonathan Taylor Thomas was born on September 8, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: September 8, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Jonathan Taylor Thomas Death Fact Check

Jonathan is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas's father, Stephen Weiss, dead or alive?

Jonathan Taylor Thomas's father, Stephen Weiss, is still alive and kicking at the age of 41. He is Canadian and has had a career as an ice hockey player.

Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas's mother, Claudine Weiss, dead or alive?

Claudine Weiss's information is not available now.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas's brother :

  • Joel Thomas Weiss

Jonathan Taylor Thomas - Biography

Jonathan Taylor Thomas is an American actor, voice actor, former child star, and teen idol. He is known for his roles as the middle child Randy Taylor in the ABC TV series Home Improvement, and as the voice of the young Simba in the Disney film The Lion King (1994).
Thomas began his television career in 1990, playing the role of Kevin Brady, the son of Greg Brady, on The Bradys, a spin-off of the 1970s TV show The Brady Bunch. In 1991, Thomas appeared in three episodes of Fox's sketch comedy series In Living Color. That same year, he was cast as Randy Taylor on ABC's sitcom Home Improvement. Thomas remained with Home Improvement well into his teenage years but left the show in 1998 to focus on academics.

Thomas appeared in many films during and after his run on Home Improvement. He had a few roles as a voice actor, including Disney's animated feature The Lion King, in which he voiced the protagonist Simba as a cub.
He also appeared in live-action films. Among the ones he starred in are those from Disney: Man of the House, Tom and Huck, and I'll Be Home for Christmas. Other live-action films starring Thomas are an adaptation of The Adventures of Pinocchio (in which he played the titular character), Wild America, Speedway Junky, and Walking Across Egypt.