Kat Bjelland


Is Kat Bjelland Dead or Still Alive? Kat Bjelland Birthday and Age

Kat Bjelland

How Old Is Kat Bjelland? Kat Bjelland Birthday

Kat Bjelland was born on December 8, 1963 and is 60 years old now.

Birthday: December 8, 1963
How Old - Age: 60

Kat Bjelland Death Fact Check

Kat is alive and kicking and is currently 60 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Kat Bjelland's father, Lyle Bjelland, dead or alive?

Lyle Bjelland's information is not available now.

Is Kat Bjelland's mother, Lynne Irene Higginbotham, dead or alive?

Lynne Irene Higginbotham's information is not available now.

Kat Bjelland - Biography

Katherine Lynne Bjelland is an American singer, songwriter, musician and guitarist. Bjelland rose to prominence as the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter of the punk rock band Babes in Toyland, which formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1987. Bjelland had also been involved in musical projects prior, including a band called The Venarays, as well as the Pagan Babies, which she formed with Courtney Love in 1985.