Kat Dennings


Is Kat Dennings Dead or Still Alive? Kat Dennings Birthday and Age

Kat Dennings

How Old Is Kat Dennings? Kat Dennings Birthday

Kat Dennings was born on June 13, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: June 13, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Kat Dennings Death Fact Check

Katherine is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Kat Dennings's father, Gerald J. Litwack, dead or alive?

Gerald J. Litwack's information is not available now.

Is Kat Dennings's mother, Ellen Judith Litwack, dead or alive?

Ellen Judith Litwack's information is not available now.

Kat Dennings's brother :

  • Geoffrey S. Litwack

Kat Dennings - Biography

Katherine Victoria Litwack, known professionally as Kat Dennings, is an American actress. After making her acting debut in an episode of the HBO dramedy series Sex and the City, Dennings has since appeared in films including The 40-Year-Old v*rgin, Big Momma's House 2 (2006), Charlie Bartlett (2007), The House Bunny (2008), Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008), Defendor (2009), Thor (2011) and Thor: The Dark World (2013). From 2011 to 2017, she starred alongside Beth Behrs in the CBS sitcom 2 Broke Girls.
Dennings began her career in commercials at the age of 10. Her first acting job was an ad for potato chips. Dennings made her professional debut with an appearance on HBO's Sex and the City in 2000, in the episode "Hot Child in the City", playing an obnoxious 13-year-old who hires Samantha to handle publicity for her bat mitzvah. She then starred on the short-lived WB sitcom Raising Dad from 2001 to 2002 as Sarah, a 15-year-old raised by her widowed father (Bob Saget), with a pre-teen sister (Brie Larson). In 2002, Dennings appeared in the Disney Channel film The Scream Team as a teenager who stumbles into a group of ghosts. She was cast for a five-episode run on The WB's Everwood, but the role was recast with Nora Zehetner.

Dennings introduced The Black Keys at the 55th Grammy Awards on February 10, 2013. She appeared in a music video for the Hanson single "Get the Girl Back", alongside Nikki Reed. The actresses are close friends and are both fans of the pop group. The video premiered on April 4, 2013. In 2013, Dennings reprised her role as Darcy Lewis in Thor: The Dark World. She worked on the film and 2 Broke Girls at the same time, flying to London to film for six months between breaks on her CBS sitcom.
Dennings blogged from January 2001 until February 20, 2010, on her website and also transitioned into video blogging on YouTube. Dennings stated to The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles that Judaism "is an important part of my history, but, as a whole, religion is not a part of my life." The article went on to say that she considers herself more ethnically and culturally affiliated than religiously so.
From 2014 to 2016, Dennings dated singer Josh Groban.