Kate del Castillo


Is Kate del Castillo Dead or Still Alive? Kate del Castillo Birthday and Age

Kate del Castillo

How Old Is Kate del Castillo? Kate del Castillo Birthday

Kate del Castillo was born on October 23, 1972 and is 51 years old now.

Birthday: October 23, 1972
How Old - Age: 51

Kate del Castillo Death Fact Check

Kate is alive and kicking and is currently 51 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Kate del Castillo's father, Eric del Castillo, dead or alive?

Kate del Castillo's father, Eric del Castillo, is still alive and kicking at the age of 94. He is Mexican and has had a career as an actor, director.

Is Kate del Castillo's mother, Kate Trillo Graham, dead or alive?

Kate Trillo Graham's information is not available now.

Kate del Castillo's sister :

  • Kate del Castillo's sister, Veronica del Castillo, is still alive and kicking at the age of 54. She is Mexican and has had a career as a journalist.

Kate del Castillo's brother :

  • Ponciano

Kate del Castillo's pets, dead or alive?

  • Lencha (Dog - Yorkshire Terrier)
  • Ramona (Dog - Labrador Retriever)
  • Licenciado (Dog - stray dog she adopted)
  • Lola

Kate del Castillo - Biography

Kate del Castillo Negrete Trillo is a Mexican and American actress. At the age of 20, del Castillo became known for her lead role in the telenovela Muchachitas for Televisa in 1989. Afterwards, she continued her career in film and television in Latin America. In 2011, del Castillo earned recognition in the United States for playing the lead role in La Reina del Sur. Subsequently, del Castillo has worked in several American TV series and had supporting roles in Hollywood feature films.