Katie Scarfe


Is Katie Scarfe Dead or Still Alive? Katie Scarfe Birthday and Age

Katie Scarfe

How Old Is Katie Scarfe? Katie Scarfe Birthday

Katie Scarfe was born on April 17, 1974 and is 50 years old now.

Birthday: April 17, 1974
How Old - Age: 50

Katie Scarfe Death Fact Check

Katie is alive and kicking and is currently 50 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Katie Scarfe's father, Gerald Scarfe, dead or alive?

Katie Scarfe's father, Gerald Scarfe, is still alive and kicking at the age of 88. He is British and has had a career as a cartoonist and illustrator.

Is Katie Scarfe's mother, Jane Asher, dead or alive?

Katie Scarfe's mother, Jane Asher, is still alive and kicking at the age of 78. She is British and has had a career as an actress.

Katie Scarfe's brothers :

Katie has 2 brothers:
  • Alex Scarfe
  • Rory Scarfe

Katie Scarfe - Biography

Katie Geraldine Scarfe is an English stage, radio, TV & voice actress, the oldest daughter of actress Jane Asher and her husband cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. Katie has two younger brothers, artist Alex Scarfe and book editor Rory Christopher Scarfe. She also has two elder half-siblings, Rupert and Araminta Scarfe from her father's previous relationships. She graduated from Bristol University in 1995.She trained at LAMDA Acting, 2007-2009). Credits whilst at LAMDA include Maria in "Twelfth Night (2008), Lady Bracknell in "The Importance of Being Earnest" (2009), Molly in "Passport to Pimlico" (2009), "The Girl in The Blue Room" (2009), u/s Pattie and Rachel in "Season's Greetings" (National Theatre, 2010/11).Her theatre career includes "Just wh*res" (New Venture Theatre, summer 2003), "Freakshow", as Eve (New Venture Theatre, fall 2003), her role of Constanze in "Amadeus" ( New Venture Theatre, Brighton, 2005), her role of Richmond in "Richard III" (Brighton Festival, 2007), her role of The Duchess in "Mercury Fur" (Old Red Lion, Trafalgar Studios, 2012) and her role of the Queen in "Beyond Beauty" (Rebel Theatre, fall 2012). In 2015 she acted on the stage along with her mother Jane Asher in "The Gathered Leaves" (Park Theatre).Radio, television and film credits include her role of Brenda in "The Wistleblower" film, the part of Kerry Harrison in "The Real Kathy Haydn" (Channel 4, 2007), "The Long Walk Home" film (2007), "Nunc Demittis", part of the "Someone Like You" collection, for BBC Radio 4 (2009), her role of Emily Coulson in "Holby City" (BBC, 2010), Sophie in the 2010 film "The Engagement Party", the poet female in "The Cult" film (2010), the short "The Adbucted", as Dr. Murphy in ITV's "Emmerdale Farm" (Yorkshire television, 2012), "A Little Twist of Dahl" (BBC Radio 4) and the short "The Listener" (2014) and the part of Liz Wilde again in in "Holby City" (2015).