Kirsten Storms


Is Kirsten Storms Dead or Still Alive? Kirsten Storms Birthday and Age

Kirsten Storms

How Old Is Kirsten Storms? Kirsten Storms Birthday

Kirsten Storms was born on April 8, 1984 and is 40 years old now.

Birthday: April 8, 1984
How Old - Age: 40

Kirsten Storms Death Fact Check

Kirsten is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Kirsten Storms's father, Mike Storms, dead or alive?

Mike Storms's information is not available now.

Is Kirsten Storms's mother, Karen Storms, dead or alive?

Karen Storms's information is not available now.

Kirsten Storms's sisters :

Kirsten has 2 sisters:
  • Gretchen Storms
  • Holly Storms

Kirsten Storms's brothers :

Kirsten has 2 brothers:
  • Kirsten Storms's brother, Austin Storms, is still alive and kicking.

  • Chris

Kirsten Storms - Biography

Kirsten Renee Storms is an American actress. She played Isabella "Belle" Black on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives from 1999 to 2004. In 2005, Storms was cast as the character Maxie Jones on the ABC soap opera General Hospital and its spin-off General Hospital: Night Shift. She departed the series in September 2011 upon being diagnosed with endometriosis and was replaced in the role by Jen Lilley. After nearly a year off-screen, Storms returned as Maxie on September 5, 2012. Storms took maternity leave on January 2, 2014 and returned on April 8, 2014.