Lacey Chabert


Is Lacey Chabert Dead or Still Alive? Lacey Chabert Birthday and Age

Lacey Chabert

How Old Is Lacey Chabert? Lacey Chabert Birthday

Lacey Chabert was born on September 30, 1982 and is 42 years old now.

Birthday: September 30, 1982
How Old - Age: 42

Lacey Chabert Death Fact Check

Lacey is alive and kicking and is currently 42 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Lacey Chabert's father, Tony Chabert, dead or alive?

Tony Chabert's information is not available now.

Is Lacey Chabert's mother, Julie Chabert, dead or alive?

Julie Chabert's information is not available now.

Lacey Chabert's sisters :

Lacey has 2 sisters:
  • Wendy Chabert
  • Crissy Chabert

Lacey Chabert's brother :

  • T J Chabert

Lacey Chabert's pets, dead or alive?

  • Claudia (dog)
  • Abu (dog)
  • Teaspoon (dog - chihuahua)
  • Tealeaf (dog - chihuahua)
  • Teacup (dog - chihuahua)

Lacey Chabert - Biography

Lacey Nicole Chabert is an American actress, voice actress and singer. She first gained prominence as a child actress on television for her role as Claudia Salinger in the television drama Party of Five. She has also provided the voice of Eliza Thornberry in the animated series The Wild Thornberrys (1998-2004) and two feature films, Meg Griffin during the first production season of the animated sitcom Family Guy, and superheroine Zatanna Zatara in various pieces of DC Comics-related media. In film she has appeared in Lost in Space (1998), Not Another Teen Movie (2001), Daddy Day Care (2003) and had leading roles as Gretchen Wieners in Mean Girls (2004), and as Dana Mathis in the horror remake Black Christmas (2006).