Landon Liboiron


Is Landon Liboiron Dead or Still Alive? Landon Liboiron Birthday and Age

Landon Liboiron

How Old Is Landon Liboiron? Landon Liboiron Birthday

Landon Liboiron was born on July 24, 1991 and is 33 years old now.

Birthday: July 24, 1991
How Old - Age: 33

Landon Liboiron Death Fact Check

Landon is alive and kicking and is currently 33 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Landon Liboiron's father, Marcel Liboiron, dead or alive?

Marcel Liboiron's information is not available now.

Is Landon Liboiron's mother, Lorraine Mack Liboiron, dead or alive?

Lorraine Mack Liboiron's information is not available now.

Landon Liboiron's brothers :

Landon has 2 brothers:
  • Blake
  • Lance

Landon Liboiron - Biography

Landon Liboiron is a Gemini Award nominated Canadian actor. He is best known for playing Declan Coyne on Degrassi: The Next Generation and his lead role as Peter Rumancek in Netflix's original series Hemlock Grove.