Linda Forsythe


Is Linda Forsythe Dead or Still Alive? Linda Forsythe Birthday and Age

Linda Forsythe

How Old Is Linda Forsythe? Linda Forsythe Birthday

Linda Forsythe was born on May 14, 1950 and is 74 years old now.

Birthday: May 14, 1950
How Old - Age: 74

Linda Forsythe Death Fact Check

Linda is alive and kicking and is currently 74 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Linda Forsythe - Biography

Linda Forsythe (born May 14, 1950 in Jersey City, New Jersey) is an American model. She was Playboy magazine's Playmate of the Month for its February 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.Forsythe grew up in New Jersey with two older sisters. Her father is a physicist and her mother is a retired schoolteacher. She was a finalist in the state Miss Teenage America pageant, and went on to marry an Army officer and raise two sons.