How Old Is Linda Vester? Linda Vester Birthday
Linda Vester was born on June 11, 1965 and is 59 years old now.
Birthday: June 11, 1965
How Old - Age: 59
Linda Vester Death Fact Check
Linda is alive and kicking and is currently 59 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Linda Vester's father, Dr. John Vester, dead or alive?
Dr. John Vester's information is not available now.
Is Linda Vester's mother, Dorothy Vester, dead or alive?
Dorothy Vester's information is not available now.
Linda Vester - Biography
Linda Vester is an American television news host. She was the host of Dayside with Linda Vester on the Fox News Channel, first joining the channel in 1999. She later left the channel in 2005 to raise her children.
Linda Vester is the daughter of the late Joan Vester Schoettinger and the late Dr. John Vester of Cincinnati, Ohio. She graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a bachelor's degree in journalism in 1987. She received an honors diploma from the Sorbonne in France after attending for one semester in 1985. In 1998 she was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study Arabic and Middle East Affairs at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She learned to speak both French and Arabic fluently.
Linda Vester married Glenn H. Greenberg, a Wall Street investor and son of baseball Hall of Famer Hank Greenberg and Caral Gimbel, the daughter of Bernard Gimbel of the Gimbel's department store family, on May 5, 2001 in New York City. Together they have four children in addition to Greenberg’s three grown children from his prior marriage.