Lisa D'Amato


Is Lisa D'Amato Dead or Still Alive? Lisa D'Amato Birthday and Age

Lisa D'Amato

How Old Is Lisa D'Amato? Lisa D'Amato Birthday

Lisa D'Amato was born on October 22, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: October 22, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Lisa D'Amato Death Fact Check

Lisa is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Lisa D'Amato's father, Peter Paul D'Amato Jr, dead or alive?

Peter Paul D'Amato Jr's information is not available now.

Is Lisa D'Amato's mother, Denise Sorensen, dead or alive?

Denise Sorensen's information is not available now.

Lisa D'Amato's sister :

  • Amy D'Amato

Lisa D'Amato - Biography

Lisa Marie D'Amato is an American recording artist, fashion model and television personality from Los Angeles, California. She first came into the public eye as a participant on the 5th cycle on the television series America's Next Top Model, placing 6, and eventually went on to win the All Star cycle.